In 2010, the G20 launched the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) in the wake of the 2007–2008 food price crisis to address a clear need for increased investment to improve food and nutrition security in low-income countries. Today, GAFSP supports smallholder farmers, agribusinesses, and countries by investing in resilient and sustainable agriculture and food systems that benefit and empower poor and vulnerable farmers, their families, and communities.

Dedicated to improving food and nutrition security in the world’s poorest countries.
In the world’s poorest countries, GAFSP provides financial and technical resources, including grants, concessional loans, blended finance, technical assistance, and advisory services, to projects along the entire agriculture value chain, “from farm to table.”
GAFSP pools donor funds and allocates resources to projects, allowing governments, agribusinesses, and producer organizations to choose and tailor interventions best suited to their own contexts. They design, lead, and implement these projects in partnership with the world’s leading development agencies, who have knowledge and presence on the ground.

Projects are designed and led by farmers, governments, and the private sector and implemented in partnership with development agencies.
Country Grants
GAFSP provides grant financing to governments to support national agriculture and food security investment plans developed with farmers, agribusinesses, technical experts, and civil society organizations.
Small-Scale Grants To Producer Organizations
GAFSP provides small-scale grants to smallholder farmers, farmers’ organizations, producer organizations, and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Private Sector Development
GAFSP uses a range of financing tools, including blended finance solutions, concessional funding, and advisory services, to support investments that improve livelihoods.

Smallholder Farmers
GAFSP has supported more than 16 million farmers and their families to achieve higher agricultural productivity, increased incomes, and improved nutrition security.
Portfolio Snapshot
Read more about our Program Portfolio Snapshotcountry- and farmer-led projects
private sector projects
Portfolio in 2021