GAFSP's next Steering Committee Meeting will be held in-person in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The Steering Committee members are expected to arrive in Siem Riep on Monday, May 6th to participate in the official start of the SC Meeting’s agenda on Tuesday, May 7th. The official part of the agenda will end by Friday, May 10th by 12.30 pm. Virtual participation will be facilitated for SC Members unable to participate in person.
A detailed agenda will be shared with SC members in due course. In line with the guidance received from the SC Chairs, we aim to maximize the time available to SC members to visit GAFSP project sites in Cambodia and use the insights gathered during the field visits to guide a reflection on the longer-term strategic directions and priorities for the GAFSP among SC members.
Steering Committee Meeting agenda and logistical note is available here (last updated on May 6th, 2024).
Cambodia Project Briefs:
