About the Project
In the Alibori, Borgou, and Collines Departments of Benin, the prevalence of food insecurity ranges from 10–27%. These areas are subject to climatic hazards that cause drought and floods with serious consequences. For example, 70% of villages in Alibori 50% in Borgou, and 40% in Collines have experienced recurrent floods that have caused serious damage to crops and dwellings. These climatic factors, as well as limited market access, limited local product processing, and low producer prices, negatively impact household incomes, increase rural-urban migration, and exacerbate social conflicts over land and transhumance corridors use.
PAPVIRE-ABC helps these departments boost food production by developing agricultural value chains through improved farm productivity, technological innovations, and the promotion of agricultural entrepreneurship. Approaches include building resilience to climate change, ensuring sustainable management of agricultural and natural resources, increasing household incomes to alleviate the impact of poverty, and strengthening resilience and employment of women and youth. Activities include improving and managing agricultural infrastructure, such as irrigation schemes, farm-to-market roads, storage, and processing facilities; strengthening crop distribution and marketing systems; and ensuring access to certified seeds and quality fertilizer and pesticides. PAPVIRE-ABC also promotes the dissemination and adoption of sustainable land conservation and regeneration techniques. Measures such as the inclusion of grain legumes in crop rotation systems for soil improvement aim to help small-scale farmers adapt to climate change and better manage their natural resources.

- Benin

Project Status
Supervising entity
- AfDB

Call Year
GAFSP Funding Amount
As of December 2021, PAPVIRE-ABC has benefitted 55,262 people, 42% of them women, surpassing the target of 50,000 people. The project has helped boost productivity and resilience through its support to 758 producer-based organizations, 29,500 smallholder farmers, and 36,434 hectares of land. After the project constructed or rehabilitated 18 post-harvest facilities, farmers were able to process 5,600 tons of agricultural produce. Improved nutrition services and products were also provided to 184 people, surpassing the end-of-project target of 150.
Ibro Manomi
Philip Boahen
Mouldi Tarhouni