About the Project
The South Sudan Livelihood Resilience Project (SSLRP) will aim to empower communities to participate in decision-making processes to recover agriculture livelihoods, food security and nutrition, build household resilience, and promote stability. The project adopts the community driven development (CDD) approach which empowers grassroots communities to identify agricultural production and productivity constraints and collectively identify potential solutions. Through Community Driven Development Planning, the project will build local capacities for planning, adoption and utilization of resilient oriented agricultural production for sustainable food and nutrition security.
Current agricultural market systems in South Sudan, especially those selling to domestic markets, are often disorganized. They are characterized by “one-off” transactions with few supporting services to enable more sustainability and inclusion. The project will invest in MSMES/off-farm enterprises in the midstream of agri-food systems for generating greater value as well as employment for women and youth. The project will focus on improving access to service areas of the community allowing timely access to essential farm inputs and services. Labor-intensive Public Works (LIPWs) is one of the key activities specifically targeting the youth and women. It will also target returnees that are settled in homesteads and seeking to recover their development activities; and improved household food security and nutrition by supporting household incomes through diverse on-farm and off-farm livelihoods.

- South Sudan

Project Status
Supervising entity

Call Year
GAFSP Funding Amount
Caroline Mwongera
Esther Kenyi