About the Project
In Haiti, agriculture contributes about 22% of GDP, accounting for around 50% of overall employment, 66% of employment in rural areas, and 75% of employment in low-income households. Agri-producers typically use outdated and ineffective planting materials and soil conservation and pest management techniques, and hardware is limited to hand tools, resulting in low farm income levels, land degradation, increased vulnerability of farmers to natural hazards, and food insecurity.
PITAG is building on the accomplishments of the Small Farmer Agriculture Technology Transfer Project (PTTA) and similar programs in Haiti to increase agricultural productivity and improve the use of natural capital through the adoption of sustainable technologies. Notably, the project conducts research to increase sustainability in Haiti’s agricultural sector, including strengthening agricultural research in rice, coffee and cacao, legumes, and roots and tubers; improving small agricultural mechanization through technology adaptation and transfer; creating, improving, or adapting sustainable agricultural technologies to enhance the supply of technology available to farmers; and adopt more-profitable, climate-smart, and sustainable agricultural technologies to improve farm profitability, generate positive environmental benefits, and facilitate climate change mitigation and adaptation. Agricultural incentives support interested farmers to participate in a series of fairs that match demand and supply for various technologies. Women are strongly encouraged to apply for incentives during information and awareness-raising meetings.

- Haiti

Project Status
Supervising entity

Call Year
GAFSP Funding Amount
The project has reached 21,492 people (44 percent women), provided 10,848 hectares of land with improved production support and 21,492 smallholders with productivity enhancement support, constructed or rehabilitated 98 post-harvest facilities, and provided direct employment to 655 people (209 women). Further, technicians in the field supported 15,849 farmers, including 6,655 women, and the project provided technical assistance (TA) to 7,981 farmers, including 3,010 women, to apply technical packages in the field. As part of PITAG, the Ministry of Agriculture recruited two Service Provider Operators (OPSs) to provide incentives and TA in the different intervention zones, particularly to farmers in applying Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development-promoted technical packages.
Gilles Damais
Elettra Legovini
Celine Cardinael