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Kyrgyz Republic to Boost Productivity and Climate Resilience in Agriculture with World Bank Support

"The new project marks the beginning of a series of initiatives designed to support the Cabinet of Ministers' vision for a modernized, competitive, and climate-resilient agricultural sector," said Tatiana Proskuryakova, World Bank Regional Director for Central Asia.
| News

The African Development Bank’s Annual Portfolio Review of GAFSP

Learn more about the African Development Bank's annual review session of the GAFSP portfolio hosted in Banjul, the Gambia, this March.
| Events

GAFSP to Host Steering Committee Meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program will host the in-person Steering Committee Meeting on May 6-10, 2024, in Siem Riep, Cambodia.

| Impact Stories

How Investing in Women Is Building Resilience in Senegal

"Before the project, we spent a good part of the night in search of water, now this constraint is removed." Hear about the impact of GAFSP-funded projects on the lives of women farmers in Senegal.
| Videos

Making a Difference for Farmers in Bangladesh

Watch the video to see the impact of the IFC-supported investment.
| News

AFA Delegates Participate in the 8th Global Meeting of the Farmers’ Forum

The Farmers’ Forum is a bottom-up dialogue on rural development and poverty reduction between farmers’ organizations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and governments.
| Impact Stories

In Haiti, Private Sector Links Are Boosting Farmer Incomes

Smallholder farmers in the country are provided high-quality seeds alongside training in modern planting and harvesting techniques for growing high-end produce. Providing farmers direct access to formal markets reduces their exposure to the risks associated with traveling to informal markets farther away.