About the Project
$14.6 million will be invested for agricultural productivity growth and diversity in selected highly food-insecure and economically depressed areas.
Rice-SDP helps implement the Government of Cambodia’s policy to promote paddy production and rice export to improve household and national food security and to expand rice seed quality, yields, post-harvest technology, and export potential by increasing access to finance, equipment, and infrastructure. The project aims to transform the country’s rice subsector from predominantly subsistence into commercially oriented by removing the legal and regulatory constraints that inhibit rice commercialization, improving the productivity of paddy crops and consistency in the quality of milled rice, enhancing the rice value chain and addressing climate change-associated risks through mitigation and adaptation. Activities include rehabilitating irrigation systems, establishing paddy drying and storage facilities in partnership with private rice millers and rural development banks, renovating a seed testing laboratory, and introducing weather-indexed crop insurance. GAFSP extended the project closing date from 30 September 2021 to 30 September 2023 mainly to accommodate the implementation of additional financing received in September 2020 to support responses to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Cambodia

Project Status
Supervising entity

Call Year
GAFSP Funding Amount
The project aims to benefit 72,000 poor people, of whom 51% are expected to be women, and to rehabilitate more than 10,000 hectares of irrigation systems. As of December 2021, Rice-SDP has reached 73,092 people, of which 37,588 were women, exceeding targets by more than 1,000 people and just under a percentage point, respectively, and has supported 62 producer-based organizations, far exceeding the target of 23. The project also has supported the construction of four post-harvest facilities that have processed 37,000 tons of agricultural production, resulting in 23,907 hectares of land receiving climate-smart improved production support. Rice-SDP also has rehabilitated nine irrigation sub-projects in Prey Sangha, Chhuk Ksach, Anlong Char, Chamcar Kuoy, Ta Mao, and Anlong Run, benefitting 82 villages and 20,510 households, of which 2,862 are female-headed households. Finally, project activities have led to direct employment for 30,497 people, of which 57.7% were women. Together, these activities have created a combined potential irrigated area of 18,586 hectares and provided 100,095 farmer beneficiaries, more than half of them women, with access to water.
Biranchi Kumar Choudhury
Chanthou Hem
Michiko Katagami
Sophana San