About the Project
The project will introduce the preparation and implementation of agri-food Local Innovation Development Plans (LIDPs) with groups of food-insecure smallholder family farmers. The Agri-food Local Innovation Development Plans for Enhancing Food and Nutrition Security will provide support to 10,000 food-insecure family farmers with climate and nutrition-smart agri-food innovations, with a focus on the recovery of populations affected by hurricanes Eta, Iota, and Julia and similar events impacting the target areas.
The project will finance short-, medium- and long-term interventions towards sustainability, in a mix of investments and technical assistance under the Agri-food LIDPs. Short-term agricultural production investments will focus on fast-cycle crops such as basic grains, horticulture, tubers, and vegetables, introducing climate-resistant varieties, bio-fortified seeds, and other farm innovations for the recovery of production of more nutritious and diversified food for households and surpluses for local markets.
Mid-term investments to promote food availability and additional income will promote production diversification through perennial crops and the introduction of quality seeds and genetic materials, as well as investment in post-harvest storage and agro-processing.
Long-term investments will promote agro-forestry production systems with, for instance, fruit trees with commercial value and locally endemic timber species. At the same time, the project will promote nutrition-smart considerations and awareness among family farmers, foster self-consumption of high-quality nutritious food, in addition to commercialization, and introduce gender-sensitive labor-saving technologies. On-farm investments and technical assistance will promote climate and nutrition-smart innovations for rural producers’ integration into resilient agri-food value chains, connecting to the broader government’s agriculture and extension programs’ ongoing support after the project.

- Nicaragua

Project Status
Under Preperation
Supervising entity
- World Bank

Call Year