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| Impact Stories

How smallholder farmers bounced back during the health crisis

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, GAFSP was able to respond quickly and flexibly to the emerging crisis – providing much needed financing that allowed farmers to design and implement the interventions which worked best for them.

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Le Maillon Manquant

Le Programme Mondial pour l’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire (GAFSP) : une recette pour atteindre l’objectif faim zéro.

| Impact Stories

Insight Series: View from Bhutan

Sangay Dorji is a Senior Agriculture Extension Supervisor with Karmaling Gewog, or community block, with the government of Bhutan. He has been working with the GAFSP-supported FSAPP project, which aims to increase agricultural productivity and enhance market linkages among a target of 52,000 poor people.

| Impact Stories

Cultivating a Small-Scale Farming Approach to Improve Food Security

When provided with the right tools and resources, small-scale food producers can respond with remarkable speed and flexibility in times of crisis – a spike in conflict worldwide and the COVID-19 crisis have shown that. Five years after successfully testing the MMI, GAFSP is now funding small-scale food producers directly through the producer organizations that represent them.

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GAFSP Puts Farmers First in New Funding for Producer Organizations & Countries

GAFSP announced $121 million in new grants for nine national governments and, for the first time, an additional $30 million for producer organizations based in 12 countries worldwide. This funding aims to strengthen sustainable, inclusive, and resilient food systems in the world’s poorest countries, in response to rising food insecurity linked to COVID-19 and climate change.

| Impact Stories

Mali's Young Entrepreneurs Get a Fresh Start

The GAFSP-funded Inclusion of Rural Youth in Poultry and Aquaculture Value Chains in Mali project works with CNOP in Mali to support rural youth in creating income-generating activities that foster food and nutrition security. The young entrepreneurs have been provided with technical training, including how to set up an organization, and how to manage the finances for poultry and fish farming value-chains. 

| Impact Stories

Bringing Water back to Honduras’ Dry Corridor

Since 2017, across 25 municipalities of the Dry Corridor, the US$30 GAFSP-supported project has been implemented to bring food and nutrition security to Honduras’ driest areas, reaching more than 12,000 households through the installation of water irrigation technology and climate-resilient agriculture, enabling farmers to provide more nutritious foods for their families as well as for the market. 

| Impact Stories

Building Knowledge to Tap Senegal’s Growing Banana Market

Since bananas are in great demand in Senegal’s cities, many farmers struggle to make ends meet when they cannot be harvested. There is a name for the season during which bananas can’t be harvested: the ‘soudure’. During these times, some households may not be able to afford food, or consume less due to lack of resources.

Public Sector Contact

Ms. Clare Murphy-McGreevey

External Affairs Officer

Based in Washington, D.C.

Private Sector Contact

Ms. Daphna Berman

Senior Communications and Outreach Specialist

Based in Washington, D.C.