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| Impact Stories

Technology Helps African Farmers Sell What They Sow

Traditionally, lack of reliable market access for smallholder farmers has impeded the economic development of rural areas because farmers often live far from the wholesale markets, and it is not feasible for them to deliver their produce directly. Highly fragmented systems encourage farmers to navigate through farmer groups or brokers to get their produce to markets. Fluctuating, non-transparent prices are often the result.
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Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP): Partnerships in Action

Empowering Smallholder Farmers
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Helping Yemeni Farmers Restore Life

Yemeni farmers have had their livelihoods severely disrupted because of ongoing conflict.
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The Nepal Agriculture Food Security Project

The Nepal Agriculture Food Security Project aimed to improve food security and nutrition in rural Nepal by increasing food production, promoting nutritious diets and supporting communities to cope with the impacts of climate change.
| Impact Stories

Better farming means better lives for cotton farmers in Burkina Faso

Many lives depend on cotton yields in Burkina Faso—one of the World's poorest countries
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Planting a More Resilient Cotton Sector in Burkina Faso

The effects of climate change are undermining cotton farmers’ livelihoods in Burkina Faso—where 80 percent of the population depend on agriculture to earn a living.

Interview with Founders of Mountain Hazelnuts

Founders of Mountain Hazelnuts discuss hazelnuts, development needs in Bhutan, and the largest motorcycle gang in the Himalayas.