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| Impact Stories

Linking Farmers to Markets and Adapting to a Food Crisis in Bangladesh

When the GAFSP-supported national farmers’ organizations network Sara Bangla Krishak Society (SBKS) received the prestigious 2023 FAO Achievement Award, the news was received with gratitude and hope by members.
| Videos

Niraj H. Shah Visits the Macademia Nuts Field in Malawi

Niraj H. Shah Visits the macadamia nuts field in Malawi, supported through GAFSP's private sector window advisory project.
| News

FAO and Ministry of Finance Partner to Improve Food and Nutrition Security in Bangladesh

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance in Bangladesh have signed four agreements on to support the country in its efforts to improve food and nutrition security. 
| Impact Stories

Fostering Agriculture Research Talent in Haiti through Scholarships

In Haiti, young professionals are given the opportunity to grow their research skills — and to better support the agricultural sector in the country.
| Videos

Empowering Ethiopian Smallholders: IFC and GAFSP Collaboration

Mr. Niraj Shah, GAFSP Private Sector Window Program Manager, visits the Soufflet Malt Ethiopia factory at the Bole Lemi Industrial Park on the outskirts of Addis Abba.
| Impact Stories

Nurturing Health and Nutrition: Empowering Mothers in Magway

In the heart of a village, a remarkable transformation is taking place—one that exemplifies the power of education, persistence, and community support in reshaping dietary habits and improving the health and nutrition of families.
| Events

Building Resilient Food Systems: The Gambia Agriculture and Food Security Project

The Road to COP28 webinar series focused on the connection between climate, gender, and nutrition spotlighting selected project. The second event profiled the Gambia Food and Nutrition Security Project.

| Events

Building Resilient Food Systems: Lao PDR Agriculture for Nutrition Project

The Road to COP28 webinar series focused on the connection between climate, gender, and nutrition spotlighting selected project. The first event profiled the Agriculture for Nutrition Project in Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
| Impact Stories

Rising to the Challenge of a Food Crisis: GAFSP Annual Report 2022 Highlights

GAFSP works to build resilient and sustainable agriculture and food systems in the world’s poorest countries. See the highlights of what the program has achieved in 2022.