GAFSP aims at creating long-term food security for low-income countries. This video was featured in Busan, Korea at the fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in 2011.
Projet d'Appui au Secteur Agricole (PASA) - Visite de terrain
2ème mission conjointe de supervision des trois premiers projets soutenant la mise en oeuvre du Programme National d'Investissements Agricoles et de Sécurité Alimentaire (PNIASA) - du 15 au 26 avril 2013. Visite de terrain pour voir quelques unes des actions oncrètes engagées dans le cadre du PASA.
Private Sector Solutions for Development: Smallholder Agriculture
Increasing smallholder farmers' access to capital and markets is one of the best ways to fight rural poverty. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, outlines its private sector solutions in this three-minute video.
Samuel Gatembeyi is a farmer from the Gatsibo district of Rwanda. He is also Secretary of the Site Committee for the Land and Water Husbandry Project, funded by GAFSP, to which the US Government and other donors are major contributors. This is a story about how U.S. helps him and other farmers in Rwanda to fight hunger.
Governments and Donors are joining forces to secure farmers in Togo and Rwanda. Technical and commercial assistance to assure that markets always have food.